Lion may be the king of the jungle but when it wants to eat, it has to hunt !!!
Just because it’s the king of the jungle & one fine day it decides to open its mouth and expects the prey to fall into its mouth,What will you call it then?. Will you call it the king of the jungle?
Wondering why I'm giving this example?. Even I was the above. I agree, after years of hard work & going through the ups and downs of life we become strong with the skills we have & the knowledge we amass, but in this process instead of widening our reach and experience, pride takes over and we fall into this trap of just doing same out thing again & again & again ultimately feeling suffocated , bored & ultimately lost.
We all are lions in the domain we work in, deep down each one of us knows how special & strong we are, each of us know what we have in us is so unique and special that we may ultimately be an authority and inspire generations to come, but yet we take step back & continue to do and expect to pampered and treated like a king or queen. Grow up !!! Evolve & take your life to the next level. Upgrade,upscale & invent things that not just change the outside world but will create a new universe in you.
You have what it takes to be the lion & lioness of the highest order, if you’re reading then there’s no doubt about it.
Hunt or be hunted. I always say this, to live in life, to actually live life to the fullest is the biggest job you are bestowed without even asking. Live and celebrate life. Fulfill the cause for which you are born. Do not get into this habit of wanting to impress and fulfill another person’s interest.
Life is unfair, I won't deny it,in fact it has to be else we won't have anything to fight for.
We have to wake up everyday not to fulfill our belly fire but the fire of our soul. Invoke & awaken the lion in you. Create a kingdom inside you, be strong, stand tall and everyone will come seeking for the completeness you have in you. Never ever in your life have the doubt about what you’re capable of.
Delete this concept of “I am being pushed” , “I am tired” , “ I am not gifted” , “I am exhausted”, “I don't have time”.
Each day, try to outshine and outgrow yourself to more than what you were yday. Remind yourself that you are indeed a lion/lioness.
I woke up the lion in me a few months ago. The world is my kingdom. If you’re reading this. The only thing you have to do now is roar, awaken the ones who are around you or let others know you’re not gonna stop now..