From the time ⏲️ we are able to see each other, respond & understand how the world 🌍 works, We are made to believe (as an obligation) that we need to be in a relationship with another to feel complete.
Our young, tender minds 🧠accept everything that’s thrown at it.
We go to unimaginable lengths !!!
We become desperate
We cry 😭
We succumb to the pressure 😡
We make irreversible mistakes
We fall & keep falling 🍂
Always searching for meaning, completeness & compassion in another person while completely ignoring oneself. Ultimately losing our own identity 😶🌫️
I mean imagine someone crying😭 for their loved ones to come to them at the right time.
Imagine how people pour buckets of emotions on their kith & kin.
But, have you ever cried for GOD?
Have you ever cried for clarity?
Have you cried for your inner self?
You go to lengths & breaths of the world🌎 in search of Money 💸. It’s good, I won't deny it. It indeed helps you gain stability.
But, have you ever thought about going to lengths to invoke the GOD who is inside you?
You never do this & when the whole world comes crashing down you feel like there’s no one on this earth to help you💔 & you become an atheist.
How good is your relationship with GOD?
How often do you talk🗣️ to him?
Relationship with the divine is the only one that’ll bring completeness & clarity in you.
Relationship with the GOD is the only one that’ll make you feel happy😁.
Relationship with GOD is the only relationship in the world that’s stress free.
Relationship with oneself is the need of the hour🕐.
Before you get into a relationship with another person, have 1000% clarity you have with yourself. Getting into a relationship for sensual pleasures alone is suicide ⚰️ 💀 !!!
Relationship with the Divine is what is needed.
Now, imagine how many parents (Indian parents) get their kids married🧑🏽🤝👩🏽 in spite of themselves having 0% clarity as to why they got into one in the first place. My blood 🩸literally boils when I think about this. For I've seen countless couples having 0% compatibility. Just because you’re young, fertile & wealthy doesn't mean you’re fit to give birth to another soul 🤱
First realize the purpose of your birth 👶 !!!
If you’re incapable, surrender to the divine or go in search of the ones from whom you can learn. Develop the relationship with the divine before you decide to develop a relationship with another HUMAN🧍

Rise | Shine | Evolve